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Pottery Book for Beginners - Garth Mullins
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Pottery Book for Beginners - Garth Mullins

  • A Potter's Guide to Sculpting 20 Beautiful Handbuilding Ceramic Projects Plus Pottery Tools, Tips and Techniques to Get You Started
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Are you looking for an easy-to-read book to create beautiful pottery clay designs without having to break the bank? Then, you should get the Pottery Book for Beginners guide, right now!

You stand to gain numerous benefits from starting a pottery business or even practicing the art as a hobby. Pottery making business requires some level of expertise before making beautiful and attractive pots and selling them for profit. One of the interesting things about venturing into this craft is that you don't have to spend too much money before getting into a pottery business of your own.

Pottery making is the final result of blending and mixing objects, including clay and ceramic. There are several steps you need to follow to make beautiful and attractive pottery designs. Meanwhile, the first step you need to consider is finding the clays before even hitting the pottery studio to create a masterpiece of art. Pottery started long ago, and it has grown massively to serve millions of people worldwide.

Pottery making is a fun and therapeutic activity that requires sufficient time to learn, understand and practice. However, once you can master the art of making pots and other objects with clay, you will only be moments away from being an expert in the field.

This guide, Pottery Book for Beginners, is packed with interesting, tips, tricks, techniques, and more that will aid your quest to become a potter in a short time.

Here is a snippet of what you stand to learn:

  • History and meaning: This section discusses the origin of pottery making and all that it entails.
  • Benefits, uses, and common terms: You'll get to know the benefits of pottery making, its uses, and the common terminologies associated with the craft.
  • Business side: Here, you will be educated on everything you need to get your pottery business going as well as the profitability of the craft.
  • Tools, tips, techniques: A deeper insight on the tools and materials required to get your first pottery project off the ground are discussed. You'll also be privy to the tips and techniques that will help you on your journey to becoming an expert potter.
  • 20 pottery designs: In here, 20 beginner-friendly pottery project ideas are discussed with step-by-step instructions to guide you in making your first pottery designs.
  • Mistakes and FAQs: Pottery making mistakes to avoid are discussed in this section as well as the solutions to correct such mistakes should they occur. Some frequently asked questions potters typically ask are also covered.

And lots more!

Can't wait to get started? Begin your pottery making journey by getting a copy of this book RIGHT NOW

EAN: 9781952597749
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Garth Mullins
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