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Jenna's Christmas Wish - Debra Parmley

Jenna's Christmas Wish - Debra Parmley

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14 dni na łatwy zwrot
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Santa, if there’s one thing I want for Christmas more than anything, it’s someone to spend Christmas with, not as an after thought invitation because they feel sorry for me, but someone who really wants me to be there.

Full of loss and sadness after the death of her mother, romance author Jenna Heart travels to a December writer's retreat quite a distance from her home at the other end of the state. The snow covered mountains of East Tennessee are a welcome change from the city lights of Memphis, TN and she looks forward to meeting new people. She's determined not to explain her loss, to avoid sympathy and to enjoy the retreat for what it is.

Jenna has one wish: she doesn’t want to spend Christmas alone. 

Meeting Nicolo Maldini, cover model and actor, could make more than Jenna’s Christmas wish come true. Nicolo is attracted to Jenna's kind nature and she is attracted to his good looks and big heart. But does their budding romance stand a chance?

Advice from Chyna, Jenna's book critique partner, makes Jenna second guess whether Nicolo could truly be interested in her. Nicolo is attending the writers weekend with his mother. He's younger than Jenna, and in his career, is surrounded by beautiful women.

 Then there's Morten, Nicolo’s crazy ex girlfriend, who will do anything to stop Jenna and Nicolo from being together. Will Jenna get her Christmas Wish or have to listen to I'll Be Home for Christmas all alone?

EAN: 9780999252598
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