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Coaching the Juventus 3-5-2 - Tactical Analysis and Sessions - Terzis Athanasios
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Coaching the Juventus 3-5-2 - Tactical Analysis and Sessions - Terzis Athanasios

  • Defending
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Juventus are the most successful team using the 3-5-2 formation in modern football. Juve have won 4 consecutive Serie A league titles including an unbeaten run of 49 games, 1 Coppa Italia and reached the Champions League final in 2014. Juventus are a very successful defensive team that focus on maintaining a numerical advantage at the back, pressing to force the ball wide, tightly marking all potential receivers, keeping a compact formation and blocking through passes. Athanasios Terzis is a successful author of some of the best-selling Football Coaching books, most notably with 'Jurgen Klopp's Attacking and Defending Tactics' and 'FC Barcelona Training Sessions' which won the Italian FA Award for "Best Coaching Book" in 2014. In this book the popular author presents a full and extensive analysis of the Juventus 3-5-2 formation during the 2013-14 season. This tactical blueprint is clearly presented with supporting diagrams and detailed descriptions which enable you to discover exactly how Juventus defended in all situations, providing the positioning and movement of the players in all possible game situations. This detailed analysis has been used to produce 12 full training sessions (40 practices) including functional practices, opposed/unopposed zone play, transition games, game situations and small sided games. This will enable you to coach your team to defend like one of the most successful defensive teams in Europe.

EAN: 9781910491089
Kod produktu
Terzis Athanasios
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