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Noah Primeval - Brian Godawa
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Noah Primeval - Brian Godawa

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Nephilim Giants, Watchers, Archangels. This is Not Your Sunday School Noah’s Ark.

Noah Primeval is a speculative retelling of the Genesis Bible story of Noah for a new generation.

In an ancient world submerged in darkness, fallen angels called Watchers rule as gods and breed giants called Nephilim. Mankind is enslaved to evil. Noah, a tribal leader, has been prophesied by his ancestor Enoch to save humanity from coming destruction. To rise against this supernatural evil and rescue his family Noah will need an equally supernatural army. But he also has to finish building his big boat.

Noah Primeval is the first book in the exciting Biblical Fantasy series, Chronicles of the Nephilim.

• It’s Biblically and historically faithful, with added ancient imagination.

• You will learn the origin of the Nephilim giants and the Watchers of Genesis 6.

• Many of the strange oddities of the Bible will finally begin to make sense.

• You will learn about a storyline thread in the Bible often overlooked: The War of the Seed.

Learn About the Historical and Biblical Research Behind the Novel

There seems to be a Nephilim craze these days. A great interest in the Watchers and the book of Enoch and Giants. Lots of books out there about the End Times and Nephilim in the modern day.

But Noah Primeval and Chronicles of the Nephilim Biblical Fantasy Series tells the original story from the ancient past that all began with Genesis 6.

Author Godawa shares the scholarly research that undergirds the fictional adventure. Noah Primeval has appendices that provide an explanation of Biblical concepts in the novel such as the Sons of God, Watchers, Nephilim, Giants, Leviathan, and the ancient Mesopotamian Cosmography in the Bible.

Beloved Bible Story Reads Like Watching a Movie

Noah Primeval is written in the spirit of The Chronicles of Narnia and The Lord of the Rings, blending fantasy and mythopoeia with history to retell the Biblical narrative with a fresh perspective, making it come alive in a new way, while staying true to the original spirit of the Bible story.

It’s like connecting the dots and filling in the story between the lines of what the Bible tells us.


Some Christians have asked what “rating” the novels have in terms of the portrayal of sex and violence. I would say the series is rated PG-13. The Chronicles do deal with evil behaviors that would be appropriate for mature teens and above. The violence in the Chronicles is like the book of Judges. The sexuality is like Song of Solomon, alluded to poetically, but obviously. The description of sexual evil is like Ezekiel 16, sometimes shocking, but never glorified. There is an occasional profane word or vulgarity like in Ezekiel 23, revealing spiritual wickedness.




EAN: 9780615550787
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