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God Against the gods - Brian Godawa

God Against the gods - Brian Godawa

  • Storytelling, Imagination and Apologetics in the Bible
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How God Captures the Imagination

This book was previously released with the title, Myth Became Fact: Storytelling, Imagination ' Apologetics in the Bible.

Brian Godawa, Hollywood screenwriter and best-selling novelist, explores the nature of imagination in the Bible. He explains how God subverts pagan religions by appropriating their imagery and creativity, and redeeming them within a Biblical worldview. The sea dragon Leviathan, the Storm God and others are examined within their Biblical context to draw out the spiritual meaning. Improve your imagination in glorifying God and defending the faith.

Here are the Chapters and what you will learn.

Demonizing the Pagan Gods

God verbally attacked his opponents, pagans and their gods, by using sarcasm, mockery and name-calling. He called them what they really were: demons. Demonization is not wrong if they really are demonic.

Old Testament Storytelling Apologetics

Israel shared creative images with their pagan neighbors: The sea dragon of chaos, and the storm god. The Bible invests them with new meaning.

Biblical Creation and Storytelling

Creation stories in the ancient Near East and the Bible both express a primeval battle of deity to create order out of chaos. But how do they differ?

The Universe in Ancient Imagination

A comparison and contrast of the Biblical picture of the universe with the ancient pagan one. What’s the difference?

New Testament Storytelling Apologetics

Paul’s sermon to the pagans on Mars Hill is an example of the apologetics of subversion: Communicating the Gospel in terms of a pagan narrative with a view toward replacing their worldview. Christian imagination and apologetics work together.

Imagination in Prophecy and Apocalypse

God uses imaginative descriptions of future events to intentionally obscure his message from unbelievers, while at the same time showing the true meaning of history to believers. This will help you understand the End Times better.

An Apologetic of Biblical Horror

Learn how God uses the genre of horror in the Bible as a powerful moral tool to communicate spiritual, social and moral truth in the context of repentance from sin and redemptive victory over evil. In fact, horror is one of God’s favorite genres. You’ll see.

EAN: 9781942858188
Kod produktu
Brian Godawa
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