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The 2 Day a Week Diet Cookbook - Nancy Baggett

The 2 Day a Week Diet Cookbook - Nancy Baggett

86,67 zł
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14 dni na łatwy zwrot
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An amazing new weight-loss plan is taking the world by storm. Known as the 5-2 or Fast diet, it calls for counting calories only two days a week and eating normally the other five. The regime helps you stay on track and lets you conveniently adjust your weight-loss plan to accommodate splurges, holidays, and other diet busters. And best of all, studies have shown you can actually shed more pounds dieting only two days instead of depriving yourself all week. The strategy calls for cutting back calories to 500 (600 for guys) on two nonconsecutive days each week. Which is a simple matter with THE 2 DAY A WEEK DIET COOKBOOK . It provides 75 200-calorie or fewer easy, nutritionally-balanced recipes for everything from breakfasts, lunches, and dinners to sweet treats and snacks. Many recipes are slimmed-down versions of favorites, such as beef chili, clam chowder, and baked apples. Others are clever creations like the authors' Mock Pizza Omelet, Potato Cauliflower Salad and Yogurt-Blueberry-Granola Breakfast Parfait. All are carefully chosen for maximum taste appeal and eating satisfaction. Five-star rated by the overwhelming majority of the book's buyers, the recipes are all gluten-free or offer gluten-free options. Here's what the book serves up: • 75 quick, easy, tempting kitchen-tested recipes • Nutritional analysis and calorie counts per serving for all dishes • Emphasis on tasty, slimmed-down versions of popular recipes • Everyday, easy-to-find ingredients • 50 beautiful full-color recipe photos • Dozens of planning, shopping, and meal preparation tips and shortcuts • Strategies for successful dieting and for fitting The 2 Day a Week plan into your lifestyle • A week of menus, with grazing and full-meal options for diet days • Handy list of low-calorie snacks Armed with this arsenal of appealing recipes, practical information, and helpful tips, you'll eat well and lead a normal life while you shed those unwanted pounds.

EAN: 9780990632108
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