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Inside the Chinese Wine Industry - Loren Mayshark

Inside the Chinese Wine Industry - Loren Mayshark

  • The Past, Present, and Future of Wine in China
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From the award-winning author of Death: An Exploration comes a groundbreaking book on the Chinese wine industry.

The perfect book to read with a glass of wine in hand. Inside The Chinese Wine Industry takes you on a thrilling adventure through the past, present, and future of wine in China.

The wine business is one of the world’s most compelling industries and China is considered the rising star. A hidden secret, the Chinese wine production continues to grow at an amazing pace. It is poised to soon enter the top five producing nations, supplanting long established countries such as Australia.

Wine has had a meteoric rise in China over the past two decades. The nation is projected to become the second most valuable market for wine in the world by 2020. One recent study concluded that 96% of young Chinese adults consider wine their alcoholic drink of choice. Not only does Inside the Chinese Wine Industry explore current expansion and business models, it also journeys back to the past to see where it all began.

“I was surprised that a foreigner understands China so well. The things you write about China are fair and unbiased, no matter the good sides or the bad sides. I believe your book is really a remarkable performance and it's my pleasure to read it.” -Guanli LinManager of the production department of the Jiangxi Quanliang Wine Co., Member of the Chinese Liquor Review Committee, and National Liquor Evaluator

“Inside the Chinese Wine Industry will appeal to wine lovers or those who work or have an interest in the wine industry. It’s a book for readers who like statistics and enjoy speculating about what those facts mean for the future. I certainly learned a lot and am itching to try some Chinese wine!” Camille Turner, avid reader and wine connoisseur

EAN: 9780998576879
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