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Puzzles, Quiz and Activities suitable for Social Events  Volume 3 - Ray Filby
AutorzyRay Filby
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Puzzles, Quiz and Activities suitable for Social Events Volume 3 - Ray Filby

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This book consists of a set of puzzles, quiz and activities which the author designed for use at a monthly social event organised by St. Michael’s, Church, Budbrooke, in the Community Centre in the part of the parish known as Chase Meadow. People who have opted to take part really seem to have enjoyed these activities which are interesting rather than extremely challenging. While a good general knowledge is helpful in completing some of the activities, they are not designed to expose people’s ignorance as data sheets and appropriate reference books like atlases are made available to help participants find any information needed. Thus, the activities are educational.


The socials are run on a very informal basis and the activities may be completed by individuals or in pairs or even competing teams. While straightforward instructions are provided, it is necessary for the activities to be supervised by someone who has worked through an activity and knows what it is about to help any who are struggling to get started as all the activities are original and will not have been encountered by participants in this form before. Once started, it has been found that those involved can continue independently quite well. Indeed, the activities do not have to be carried out in the context of a social activity but individuals may just enjoy completing them at home for recreation.


The socials run at Chase Meadow are not restricted to church members but all and sundry are invited as part of the church outreach. With many of the activities, a final stage often involves deciphering a phrase, quote or saying. As the socials are sponsored by the church, many of the quotes to be deciphered are Biblical texts. However, anyone choosing to use these ideas could quite easily modify the final stage and use a secular quote rather than a Biblical text to be deciphered.


The pages in this book are free to photocopy. In running one of these activities, it is important to have available pens or pencils, plenty of photocopies of the activity instructions, answer sheets and for some activities, information sheets or one or two appropriate reference books.

EAN: 9781999683566
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