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System, Society and the World
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System, Society and the World

  • Exploring the English School of International Relations
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Since its reorganisation in the early 1990s, the English School of international relations has emerged as a popular theoretical lens through which to examine global events. Those who use the international society approach promote it as a middle way of theorising due to its ability to incorporate features from both systemic and domestic perspectives into one coherent lens. Succinctly, the English School, or society of states approach of IR, is a threefold method to understanding how the world operates. In its original articulations, the English School was designed to incorporate the two major theories that were trying to explain international outcomes – namely, realism and liberalism. This second edition brings together some of the most important voices on the English School, including new chapters and insights from key English School scholars, to highlight the multifaceted nature of the School’s applications in international relations.Since its reorganisation in the early 1990s, the English School of international relations has emerged as a popular theoretical lens through which to examine global events. Those who use the international society approach promote it as a middle way of theorising due to its ability to incorporate features from both systemic and domestic perspectives into one coherent lens. Succinctly, the English School, or society of states approach of IR, is a threefold method to understanding how the world operates. In its original articulations, the English School was designed to incorporate the two major theories that were trying to explain international outcomes – namely, realism and liberalism. This second edition brings together some of the most important voices on the English School, including new chapters and insights from key English School scholars, to highlight the multifaceted nature of the School’s applications in international relations.

Filippo Costa Buranelli, Cornelia Navari, Richard Little, Ian Hall, Andrew Linklater, Roger Epp, Adrian Gallagher, Cathinka Vik, Tim Dunne, Yannis A. Stivachtis, Jason Ralph, Matthew S. Weinert, Tom Keating, John Williams and Alexander Astrov.

EAN: 9781910814055
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Murray Robert W.
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