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Shih Tzu Dogs - The Complete Owners Guide from Puppy to Old Age. Buying, Caring For, Grooming, Health, Training and Understanding Your Shih Tzu - Seymour Alex

Shih Tzu Dogs - The Complete Owners Guide from Puppy to Old Age. Buying, Caring For, Grooming, Health, Training and Understanding Your Shih Tzu - Seymour Alex

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The No.1 Shih Tzu Bestseller With Over 1,000 Reviews!

Wouldn't it be incredible if expert Shih Tzu breeders combined with a top dog trainer to create the ultimate owner's guide?

Well here it is! You will literally find this Shih Tzu book jam packed full of useful quotes giving clear advice and secret tips from the world's best Shih Tzu breeders who between them have hundreds of years of experience in caring for Shih Tzus.

This one-stop 'instruction manual' is the essential companion to your lovable Shih Tzu. Over 212 pages we cover everything you should know from buying a new Shih Tzu puppy through to old age and how best to look after your precious Shih Tzu.

Start off with the right advice so bad behaviors don't even start, but if they do, we show you how to overcome common problems. We will help you understand your Shih Tzu so you can build an ever stronger loving bond with your best-behaved member of your household.

The book written in an easy-to-understand style with funny and entertaining stories interspersed with practical, actionable advice and tips from all our qualified expert breeders, including a Westminster dog show best of breed Shih Tzu winner, who writes a special bonus chapter about showing Shih Tzu.

Order now and you can soon be sitting back, relaxing and enjoying this Shih Tzu owner's guide and handbook. Buy it now either on paperback or instant downloadable e-book. It makes a great gift too!

Just some of the subjects covered include: origins and history of the Shih Tzu, different types and colors, buying a dog or puppy, male or female, pros and cons, rescue, adoption, breeders, personality, socialization, spaying, neutering, house/potty training, bringing your puppy home, grooming, combing, bathing, shows, health, vaccinations, training, understanding your Shih Tzu, play and toys, what food and nutrition, old age and what to expect, and much more...

"Fun, informative and an entertaining read as well as containing plenty of useful facts and tips I didn't know." - Penelope Kenhope

"Just what I was looking for when I was looking for my new Shih Tzu puppy. Helped me enormously." - Melanie Schwartzer

EAN: 9780992784348
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Rok wydania
Seymour Alex
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