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Created for Covering - Robert B. Shaw Jr

Created for Covering - Robert B. Shaw Jr

  • Understanding the Concept of Safety and Covering in Relationships for Men and Women
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Safety is one of the core longings in every human being. Safety seems to be more difficult to come by these days. The feeling of safety begins in a family, in the family relationships. Over the last few decades, our society has gone through many changes that have affected people and the way we relate to each other. One of those changes is the growing yet subtle pursuit of self-centered independence. This book can help us discover ( or rediscover) the benefits of living under God's design, as it relates to the concept of covering. We are all created to be under a covering. God designed us to be free-but not independent! Come and explore, from the beginning through today, how men and women and their families can relate to each other in such a way as to have an impact upon their world. God has covered us, recovered us, and desires for us to be responsible in covering what He has given us.

"Dr. Shaw's book is timely for a generation in need of a godly, balanced perspective on the reality and blessings that covering provide. The principles that Dr. Shaw communicates are born out of his own experiences and example as husband, father, teacher, counselor and spiritual leader. This book identifies the causes of root problems, but even more importantly, it provides essential biblical and practical solutions for age-old conflicts."
-Rev. David A. Longobardo, Pastor Emeritus, World Victory International Christian Center, Greensboro, North Carolina

"Robert Shaw's book puts a bomb into the pop-Christian psychology of marriage, navigating deep into God's calling for marriage, security in relationships, and striking truth in our culture's failure to unselfishly examine God's heart for marriage and relationships as revealed in Scripture."
-W. Scott Lineberry, PhD, LPC, founder and president of The Center For Life and Performance, Greensboro, NC

EAN: 9781449782757
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Robert B. Shaw Jr
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Zaufane Opinie IdoSell
Zakupiony komiks niestety przyszedł uszkodzony, ale nie z winy sklepu, więc nie ma o co w tym temacie wszczynać rozróby. Szybki kontakt ze sklepem i raz-dwa wymieniony na nowiutki, świeżutki egzemplarz, no po prostu LUX.
Szybko, sprawnie, towar zgodny z opisem, bez uszkodzeń.