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Dancing With Temptation - Summer Cooper

Dancing With Temptation - Summer Cooper

  • A Second Chance Billionaire Contemporary Romance
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Enjoy this steamy CEO billionaire series by USA Today Bestselling dark contemporary romance author Summer Cooper!

He made her another offer she couldn't refuse.

Roxie had met a lot of assholes in the last ten years.

She had learned how to protect herself from them.

But when her raging ex hurt her and called her names like slut and gold digger...

She couldn't help but feel scared and beaten by life.

She knew she shouldn't turn to Lincoln for comfort.

It was a mistake using him for rebound sex.

But she simply couldn't resist.

Just as she thought their arrangement would be over soon...

Lincoln tempts her with a new deal too good to pass up.

She's going to teach him about the dom world in his new playroom.

He's somehow made his way back not only into her life, but her heart.

But the longer she stays with him, the harder it is to leave.

Step into the hidden world of a billionaire and a sultry stripper as their worlds collide in a tale of love, loss and redemption.

Please read the series in the following order:

1. Dancing With Lies

2. Dancing With Temptation

3. Dancing With Doubt

4. Dancing With Guilt

5. Dancing With Temptation

This smokin' hot book is perfect for fans of TL Swan, Meghan Quinn, Rina Kent, Parker S. Huntington and Elizabeth O'Roark.

This is an adult only steamy contemporary romance, appealing to readers who love fated mates, billionaire romance, best friend's brother and sizzling hot romances with a twist.

EAN: 9781917075015
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Summer Cooper
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