Darmowa dostawa od 89,00 zł
Siedzonko do samochodu Deluxe z baldachimem - Bayer Design
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Siedzonko do samochodu Deluxe z baldachimem - Bayer Design

Cena regularna150,23 zł
123,32 zł
/ szt.
Najniższa cena z 30 dni przed obniżką: 114,39 zł
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14 dni na łatwy zwrot
Bezpieczne zakupy

This modern dolls car seat has a very fashionable colour. The beautiful car seat is suitable for dolls up to 46cm. With its wonderful fabric and its integrated sunshade, the doll or plush toy sits comfortably and is protected from sun and wind in the face. Thanks to its integrated seat belt, the doll or the plush toy is secured from falling and has sweet dreams while travelling. The ergonomic handle which can be positioned back or in the middle is comfortable to carry, thus it is easy to carry the doll or the plush everywhere you want. Placed on the floor the dolls car seat can rock when slightly pushed. It is also possible to mountain the dolls car seat on the Neo Vario or the Xeo dolls pram. Measurements (cm): 45 x 34 x 38. 3PLUS: Warning. Not suitable for children under 3 years. Small part. Choking hazard.

EAN: 4003336679175
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