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Revival of the Court - Harris Heather G.

Revival of the Court - Harris Heather G.

  • An Urban Fantasy Novel
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Revival of the Court

Ding dong, the bells are ringing. You are cordially invited to the wedding of Jinx and Emory.

Unfortunately, so are the Connection. A shocking arrest throws the guests into disarray and threatens my happily ever after. I think I can calm things down, but they quickly go from bad to worse when I'm hauled away bodily from my own wedding.

Betrayed, alone and furious, I have plenty of time to plot my revenge. Whoever said revenge is a dish best served cold didn't know a damned thing. Revenge is hot and fiery - and I'm going to rain hell on the ones responsible for tearing me away from Emory on the most important day of our lives.

A daemon is stalking the Other Realm, and enough is enough. It's time to send him back to where he belongs.

Start running, daemon. I'm coming for you - and Emory is holding my bag.

Burn through this fun, fast-paced, laugh-out-loud mix of urban fantasy and mystery.

This is the seventh book in the Other Realm series. Don't miss this internationally best-selling series if you like humour, heart, a strong heroine and a slow burn fade-to-black romance.

Written in British English.

Don't miss all the books in the Other Realm!

The Glimmer Series

Glimmer of the Other

Glimmer of Hope

Glimmer of Death

Glimmer of Deception

The Other Wolf Series

Protection of the Pack

Guardians of the Pack

Saviour of the Pack

The Court Series

Challenge of the Court

Betrayal of the Court

Revival of the Court

The Other Witch Series

Hex of the Witch

Coven of the Witch

Familiar of the Witch

Destiny of the Witch

EAN: 9781915384317
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Harris Heather G.
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