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Rediscovering You - LaDonna Naturale

Rediscovering You - LaDonna Naturale

  • A 30 Day Self-Care Guide to Modern Living
72,86 zł
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Imagine rediscovering yourself and embracing self-care, without the usual hassle of not knowing where to start - Your chance to rewrite your story for modern living starts here!

Ever feel like you've lost sight of the person you used to be?

Do you find yourself constantly putting others first, while neglecting your own needs?

Perhaps searching for an escape from the chaos of modern living, only to be met with generic self-care advice that doesn't fit your lifestyle?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, you're not alone.

Life nowadays moves at an incredibly fast pace. It's no surprise that many of us feel like strangers to ourselves. But what if there was a way to change that? What if, amidst the chaos, there was a path tailored specifically for you to reclaim your true self?

"Rediscovering You: A 30-Day Self-Care Guide for Modern Living" is your ticket out of the stress vortex we call modern life. It's a transformative self-help book offering practical strategies for your well-being.

Here's just a taste of what you'll discover inside this transformative guide:

  • complete 30-day, step-by-step self-care plan structured around your lifestyle to help you reclaim your authentic self
  • 7 simple yet powerful techniques to reduce stress and cultivate peace in your daily routine
  • 5 secrets to boosting your self-esteem, fostering a robust sense of self-worth
  • Understand how to set and maintain healthy boundaries in every aspect of your life
  • Find out why you are more than enough with stories from diverse individuals, including personal anecdotes and relatable stories.
  • The unique self-care approach that transcends all age groups and backgrounds personally tailored for the busy lives of adults, teens, parents, women, and men alike
  • 3 powerful exercises designed specifically to help you navigate the systemic challenges of modern living
  • Daily actions that you can implement right away to start your journey toward mental well-being.
  • How to effectively indulge in digital detox, cutting off rampant digital distractions for a healthier mental space
  • Practical prompts pushing for deeper introspection, encouraging journaling and meditation practices in your self-care routine

Although it might seem like you're alone on this journey, the truth is that with the right guide, you can reclaim your life and rediscover the person you've lost in the whirlwind of daily life. This guide will lend you the hand you need to piece together a better, healthier, and happier you.

EAN: 9781963369199
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LaDonna Naturale
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