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Owatonna Novellas - Scott RJ
AutorzyScott RJ

Owatonna Novellas - Scott RJ

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Christmas Lights ' Valentine's Hearts

Christmas Lights (Owatonna 4)

Under the Christmas lights strung outside a snowy Minnesota cabin, Ryker and Jacob face a future where nothing will be the same again.

Fortunate timing means that Ryker and Jacob can spend a few days together over Christmas in a cabin on the family farm. What's better is that Scott and Ben are coming as well, with Hayne and Ethan in tow. Ryker can't imagine a better way to spend time with the man he loves, and the friends he misses, and somehow he knows that this Christmas will be the best one ever. Hockey on a frozen pond, kisses under Christmas lights, and sharing time with Jacob are the best gifts he could ever receive.

Long distance relationships are brutal, Jacob can attest to that fact. So, when Ryker gets a few days off over the Raptors' Christmas break, the hard-working Minnesota farmer is beyond thrilled. When they find out that their buddies from Owatonna U. are making the trip as well, the holidays are looking to be just about perfect. Jacob has a question for Ryker burning in his heart, and he isn't asking for much-just a few fun-filled days with old friends and a yes from the man of his dreams.

Valentine's Hearts (Owatonna 5)

Will broken hearts replace the wedding they dreamed of?

Ryker's heart has space for three things-his family, hockey, and Jacob. As their wedding grows closer, it seems that nothing can stand in the way of an idyllic celebration, surrounded by friends and loved ones. But things appear to be changing; Jacob is forging a future that might take him away from Ryker, and Ryker alternates between pride and fear when a new man comes into his fiancé's life. A hockey season from hell has him doubting his life choices, but worse, he's driving Jacob into another man's arms. How has their perfect life suddenly gone so wrong?

Life has certainly thrown many twists and turns in Jacob's path. Most of the goals he'd set for himself as a teenager had to change, but one has remained constant: finding his heart's desire and marrying him. That aspiration was reached when Ryker said, "I do". Planning their wedding was meant to be the best time of their lives, but Jacob unwittingly puts his trust in the wrong man and finds himself in danger. Is their love strong enough to survive the fallout?

Warning for on-page triggers. Happy ever after guaranteed.

EAN: 9781785645532
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Scott RJ
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Komiks dotarł w nieskazitelnym stanie - co jest tym bardziej warte odnotowania, ponieważ nie był firmowo zapakowany w folię. Tak więc pozdrawiam i polecam, Piotr Frontczewski.
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