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Commercial Organic Analysis V3, Part 2 - Allen Alfred Henry
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Commercial Organic Analysis V3, Part 2 - Allen Alfred Henry

  • Amines And Ammonium Bases, Hydrazines, Bases From Tar, Vegetable Alkaloids (1907)
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220,83 zł
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Commercial Organic Analysis V3, Part 2: Amines And Ammonium Bases, Hydrazines, Bases From Tar, Vegetable Alkaloids (1907) is a comprehensive book written by Alfred Henry Allen. The book is a part of a series that focuses on the analysis of organic compounds used in commercial industries. This particular volume delves into the analysis of amines and ammonium bases, hydrazines, bases from tar, and vegetable alkaloids.The book is divided into several chapters, each of which covers a specific topic related to the analysis of organic compounds. The first chapter provides an overview of the properties and uses of amines and ammonium bases. The second chapter discusses the analysis of hydrazines, including their properties, uses, and methods of analysis. The third chapter focuses on the analysis of bases from tar, including the properties and uses of these compounds.The fourth and final chapter of the book covers the analysis of vegetable alkaloids. This section provides an in-depth discussion of the properties, uses, and methods of analysis for various types of alkaloids found in plants.Overall, Commercial Organic Analysis V3, Part 2: Amines And Ammonium Bases, Hydrazines, Bases From Tar, Vegetable Alkaloids (1907) is an invaluable resource for anyone involved in the analysis of organic compounds used in commercial industries. The book provides a thorough overview of the properties and uses of various types of compounds, as well as detailed instructions for their analysis.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

EAN: 9781120179913
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Allen Alfred Henry
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