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History Of The Rise Of The Mahomedan Power In India Till The Year A.D. 1612 V1
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History Of The Rise Of The Mahomedan Power In India Till The Year A.D. 1612 V1

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""History Of The Rise Of The Mahomedan Power In India Till The Year A.D. 1612 V1"" is a comprehensive historical account written by John Briggs. The book delves into the rise of the Muslim power in India, covering a period from the 12th century to the year 1612. It provides a detailed analysis of the political, social, and cultural changes that took place during this period, with a particular focus on the Muslim rulers who established their dominance in India.The book is divided into several chapters, each of which explores a different aspect of the Muslim rule in India. The first few chapters deal with the early Muslim invasions of India, including the conquests of Mahmud of Ghazni and Muhammad Ghori. The later chapters focus on the Mughal Empire, which was established by Babur in the 16th century and lasted until the mid-19th century.Throughout the book, Briggs provides a wealth of information on the various Muslim rulers who dominated India during this period. He discusses their military campaigns, their administrative policies, and their cultural and religious practices. He also examines the impact of Muslim rule on Indian society, including the changes that occurred in the areas of language, literature, and art.Overall, ""History Of The Rise Of The Mahomedan Power In India Till The Year A.D. 1612 V1"" is a valuable resource for anyone interested in the history of India and the Muslim world. It provides a detailed and nuanced account of a crucial period in Indian history, shedding light on the complex political and cultural forces that shaped the country during this time.In Four Volumes. To Which Is Added, An Account Of The Conquest, By The Kings Of Hydrabad, Of Those Parts Of The Madras Provinces Denominated. The Ceded Districts And Northern Circars. With Copious Notes.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

EAN: 9781428649439
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