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Opening A Chestnut Burr - Roe E. P.
AutorzyRoe E. P.
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Opening A Chestnut Burr - Roe E. P.

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""Opening A Chestnut Burr"" is a novel written by E.P. Roe. The story revolves around the life of a young man named Hugh Winthrop, who is the only son of a wealthy businessman. Hugh is a kind-hearted and intelligent individual who is eager to make a name for himself in the world. However, his father has other plans for him and wants him to take over the family business. Despite his father's wishes, Hugh decides to pursue his dream of becoming a writer. He moves to New York and begins to work as a journalist. Along the way, he meets a beautiful and intelligent woman named Hester Grayson, who becomes his muse and inspiration. As Hugh becomes more successful in his career, he also faces challenges and obstacles. He must navigate the cut-throat world of journalism and deal with the jealousy of his colleagues. Meanwhile, Hester's father disapproves of their relationship and tries to keep them apart. Throughout the novel, Hugh and Hester's love for each other is tested, but they remain committed to each other. The story ultimately explores themes of love, ambition, and the pursuit of one's dreams. ""Opening A Chestnut Burr"" was originally published in 1874 and is considered a classic work of American literature. It is a captivating story that will appeal to readers who enjoy historical fiction and romance novels.But Miss Walton reminded him of a young sugar maple that he had noticed, all aflame, from his window that morning, so rich and high was her color, as, still intent upon the thickly scattered nuts, she followed the old unspent childish impulse to gather now as she had done when of Susie's age. With a half-wondering smile Gregory watched her intent expression, so like that of the other children, and thought, ""Well, she is the freshest and most unhackneyed girl I have ever met for one who knows so much. It seems true, as she said, that she draws her life from nature and will never grow old.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

EAN: 9781419139055
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Roe E. P.
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