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Fast to Faith - Tabatha Barber Dr.
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Fast to Faith - Tabatha Barber Dr.

  • A 40-Day Awakening: Reconnect Your Body, Mind and Soul for Lasting Weight Loss, Sustained Energy, and Unstoppable Strength
90,73 zł
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14 dni na łatwy zwrot
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Discover why fasting is your superpower from God. Lose weight, feel more energized, and enhance your mental health and well-being by doing one simple thing-giving your body a break.

Have you been feeling tired, sluggish, and like something isn't quite right-despite your lab tests producing normal results?

Have you been dealing with stress, anxiety, or depression by consuming refined "comfort" foods that give you a "kick," only to result in an energy slump later in the day?

Perhaps you're doing the best you can in terms of nutrition, but finding it close to impossible to shed those extra five pounds that seem to mysteriously pile up year after year.

What you're feeling is definitely not unique to you.

The standard American diet is filled with inflammatory foods that age the body and wreak havoc on the mind.

What's more, constant snacking and heavy meals cause an unbearable burden on organs like the pancreas and stomach. Yet it is precisely when these organs stop overworking that your body can focus on vital activities-like recovery and the restoration of your physical and mental health.

Fasting is the buzzword in modern health and wellness, but it is a centuries-old approach with impressive results.

This simple, easy habit empowers your body to maintain cellular health by liberating your cells of toxins and other damaged or useless components.

Best of all, fasting aligns with the Biblical view on health.

As 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 states, "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies."

You may already be intrigued by fasting and wonder where to start. Consider this book to be your guiding hand; a friend that will provide all the information you need to start fasting and strengthen your faith by honoring your body.

Inside, you'll discover:

  • How to tap into your innate intelligence, restore the body-mind-soul connection, and honor God through fasting
  • How to stop harmful cravings in the bud by turning your back on the foods that cause harmful blood sugar spikes and falls
  • The vital link between your gut health and your gynecologic health - and how fasting can restore the health of your gut microbiome and re-balance your hormones
  • Why God-made "faith foods" contain the secret to losing weight, consuming nutritious meals, and promoting the optimal functioning of our organs
  • A four-phase fasting program involving interacting with God and the sisterhood of women, featuring advice on key foods and key fasting windows to follow
  • Powerful prayers that will help you stay focused during your journey to treating your body like a temple
  • The 2/10/20/30 - an easy breakdown of nutrients to embrace to ensure you stay on track

And so much more.

"I can't see myself going so many hours without food" you might say.

Perhaps you have tried various regimens, only to gain and lose weight, yo-yo style.

Faith-based fasting is different. It taps into your body's innate needs and gives your cells the chance to recover and eliminate toxins.

Best of all, you won't crave unhealthy foods or feel hungry.

This 40-day awakening is your key to unlocking a healthier, more vibrant you

EAN: 9781962595544
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Tabatha Barber Dr.
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Wszystko w jak najlepszym porządku, dostałam przesyłkę dużo szybciej niż się spodziewałam, polecam Matfel :)
Polecam - obsługa sprawna, pakowanie zdecydowanie ponadprzeciętne w stosunku do tego co obecnie na rynku, dobre ceny.