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The Cowardly Lion of Oz - Ruth Thompson  Plumly
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The Cowardly Lion of Oz - Ruth Thompson Plumly

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"The Cowardly Lion of Oz" by Ruth Plumly Thompson: A Courageous Tale in the Land of Oz

Step back into the enchanting world of Oz with "The Cowardly Lion of Oz," a captivating addition to the beloved Oz series penned by Ruth Plumly Thompson. This whimsical and heartwarming tale brings readers on a delightful journey filled with bravery, friendship, and the magic that defines the Land of Oz.

Key Highlights:

1. **Return to Oz:** Ruth Plumly Thompson seamlessly continues the legacy of L. Frank Baum's Oz universe, inviting both new and returning readers to immerse themselves in the enchanting world of Oz.

2. **A Relatable Hero:** The Cowardly Lion, a beloved character from Baum's original works, takes center stage in this story, offering a relatable protagonist who must overcome his fears and find his inner courage.

3. **Enchanting Adventures:** Follow the Cowardly Lion on a series of adventures as he encounters quirky characters, curious creatures, and visits whimsical locations, all of which are hallmarks of the Oz series.

4. **Themes of Bravery and Friendship:** "The Cowardly Lion of Oz" weaves a heartwarming narrative exploring themes of courage, self-discovery, and the profound bonds of friendship.

5. **Classic Oz Magic:** The book maintains the delightful blend of whimsy, imagination, and the extraordinary that Oz aficionados have come to cherish.

"The Cowardly Lion of Oz" is a charming addition to the Oz series, celebrating the enduring appeal of these timeless tales. Ruth Plumly Thompson honors the original vision of L. Frank Baum while adding her unique storytelling flair, ensuring that Oz remains a land of enchantment and wonder.

For both devoted Oz enthusiasts and newcomers to the series, "The Cowardly Lion of Oz" promises a heartwarming and enchanting journey through a world where courage and camaraderie reign supreme. Join the Cowardly Lion as he discovers the inner strength he never knew he had, and embark on an unforgettable adventure in the Land of Oz.

EAN: 9781774818213
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Ruth Thompson Plumly
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