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Shipwrecked in the Church - Pearlie Ames-Murray Ph.D. Apostle

Shipwrecked in the Church - Pearlie Ames-Murray Ph.D. Apostle

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Have preachers gone too far or become so competitive in ministry that preaching is a stage performance or a platform to parade their knowledge, speaking ability, fashion display, wealth, or to build a strong following of believers as if they are God? Have you noticed how the sanctuary looks more like a theater? The congregation is sitting in a dimly lit or dark audience and the stage is lit up by bright, colorful lights for special effects or to shine on the preacher. When church and church leaders become a reality show of performances you can expect worldliness, verbal and physical fighting, misconduct and abuse, immoral behavior and activities, and lack of accountability. This type of church is growing because it has become the attraction where the biggest show on earth has live weekly performances. It's the big tent, and the ringmaster with his performers knows how to bring the house down and rake in the cash. "Shipwrecked in the Church", inspired by the Holy Spirit, will cause a spiritual shakeup. It will open eyes to the truth whether we are ready for it or not. We have hid behind choirs, singing, praise dancing, preaching, and churching, but still do not have Christ in us. Storms are sent to shake up, shake lose, shake down, and shake out what we are hiding, to expose us to the truth, that we may be true worshippers and disciples of Jesus Christ. It's time to leave the big tent of entertainment. Shut off the voice of the ringmaster who cries out, "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, get ready for The Greatest Show on Earth!" It is time to seek the one who says, "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. Matthew 11:28-30 "Shipwrecked in the Church" is a must read!

EAN: 9781642998610
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Pearlie Ames-Murray Ph.D. Apostle
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