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Instantaneous Personal Magnetism - Edmond Shaftsbury
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Instantaneous Personal Magnetism - Edmond Shaftsbury

Cena regularna195,92 zł
194,83 zł
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The following facts should he kept in mind by persons using other systems of instruction in the Cultivation of Personal Magnetism 1. The Shafteshury System was the first to be issued and appeared forty-five years ago when there were no other systems in existence. 2. To-day it is the Standard Method, and is so recognized everywhere. 3. It is the only System that is used by the International Magnetism Club, and that has been adopted in schools and various other educational institutions. 4. It is the only System that actually produces lasting results. 5. It is the only System that has helped a long list of successful men and women in all walks of life to acquire a magnetic personality with no failure where its students have been in earnest and ambitious to win the highest goal of earthly existence. 6. Attracted by its success, imitators many years ago began to issue cheap and loudly advertised courses of train ing, and approached as near as they dared to our methods but, for fear of becoming involved in lawsuits for infringe ment, they avoided all the essential value of our instruction, with the result that they were discredited and all went out of business. 7. Since then similar imitators are likely to appear, with the same inability to guide their students to the suc cessful acquisition of personal magnetism. 8. As personal magnetism is life itself, only the best in struction is desirable. Low priced competitive systems that accomplish nothing for their students are the highest priced in the end. Besides producing failure, they dis courage the buyers, drive them away from the study and thereby deprive them of the greatest blessings in life. 9. There is BUT ONE GENUINE METHOD it is the SHAFTESBURY METHOD long tried, thoroughly tested, and uniformly successful.

EAN: 9781409724551
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Edmond Shaftsbury
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