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Manipulation - Tina Berg
AutorzyTina Berg

Manipulation - Tina Berg

  • A Guide to Learning Covert Emotional Manipulation, NLP, Mind Control, and Deception
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Are you tired of being let down, taken advantage of, and walked all over on a regular basis? Are you sick of always being the one that is not in control of a situation? If so, then keep reading.

When you are the small fry in a sea full of big fish, you have a few options: Get eaten, live in fear, or adapt. Adaption will allow you to live without fear and this book is here to teach you how to do exactly that. When you struggle in social settings, you may find that you are constantly feeling low. You may feel frustrated or feel like you cannot get your own needs met. You could accept that, or you could choose to take matters into your own hands.

When you learn how to manipulate other people, you are gaining all sorts of extra control over the world around you. You are learning how to control your surroundings and those in it. You are learning how to influence the way that other people behave. You are able to convince other people to give you what you want or need. When you learn to master the skills of manipulation, you develop many different skills that can help elevate you to the top of the proverbial totem pole—you will be able to ensure that you can avoid being taken advantage of because you will be the one doing the taking advantage of others. You will be the one that is getting what you want once and for all, and this book will teach you how to do so. Within these pages, you will be introduced to several topics to teach you how to manipulate in nearly any setting. You will be able to control your interactions with people, how they see the world, and how they interact with you with ease.

You do not have to be the smallest fish in the sea, carried around by the currents around you any longer. You can take back that control in your life. Even if you have never been good at social skills before, you can learn how people work and how you can control them. All you have to do is take the steps necessary to learn these processes.

Do not waste one more day being the one that is controlled. Scroll up and click on BUY NOW today!

EAN: 9781087870830
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Tina Berg
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