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eBook We are infecting people with activism - Agata Dziuban
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eBook We are infecting people with activism - Agata Dziuban

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I found this collection to be very rich, and I think it will be a valuable addition to HIV/AIDS scholarship. The selection of interviews seems excellent in terms of number, length, depth, and variety. As the introduction points out, the interviewees cover a breadth of identities, ages, experiences, locations, and types of engagements, making the collection as a whole very useful for a variety of researchers, and a good ‘advertisement’ for the larger European HIV/AIDS Archive. [...] I can imagine that the volume will have particular value for teaching as well as for research: students within many disciplines including history, public and global health, public policy, even international development, could be assigned extracts or a selection of contrasting interviews for close study and analysis. Dr. Janet Weston, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Agata Dziuban is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Sociology of the Jagiellonian University. She has extensive research experience in the field of HIV with a focus on health disparities and HIV-related activism among sex worker communities. Her research focuses broadly on the sex workers’ rights movement in Europe and the lived realities of sex workers in Poland. Todd Sekuler, Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute for European Ethnology at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, holds a Master’s in Public Health and a PhD in European Ethnology. He has participated in various research and cultural projects focused on HIV/AIDS in Europe, and generally works at the intersections of health, politics and memory in France, Germany, Poland and in the broader European region. Together, Dziuban and Sekuler conducted ethnographic research on HIV/AIDS policy at the European level as part of the transnational research endeavour Disentangling European HIV/AIDS Policies: Activism, Citizenship and Health (EUROPACH), funded by Humanities in the European Research Area (HERA) as part of their joint research programme Uses of the Past. They are currently colleagues within the transnational research project CrimScapes: Navigating citizenship through European landscapes of criminalisation, funded by New Opportunities for Research Funding Agency Cooperation in Europe (NORFACE), on the growing use of criminalisation as a tool of governance in the European region.

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EAN: 9788376886039
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Agata Dziuban
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