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Type 2 Diabetes Cookbook and Action Plan & Sugar Detox - 2 Books in 1 Bundle - Jennifer Louissa
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Type 2 Diabetes Cookbook and Action Plan & Sugar Detox - 2 Books in 1 Bundle - Jennifer Louissa

  • The Ultimate Beginner's Bundle Guide to Beat the Sugar Cravings + Action Plan & Recipes to Naturally Reverse Diabetes
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2 BOOKS IN 1: 

BOOK #1: 

Type 2 Diabetes Cookbook ' Action Plan: The Ultimate Beginner's Diabetic Diet Cookbook ' Kickstarter Action Plan Guide to Naturally Reverse Diabetes + Proven, Easy ' Healthy Type 2 Diabetic Recipes

You need that weapon to destruct what could destruct you from the inside. Yes, an Action plan that entails your micro goals. Your ultimate goal is to reverse your pre-diabetes stage. Your micro goals, on the other hand, should direct your steps on how to strike the balance among your food, physical activities, and medication in order to combat the repercussions of this condition. Bear in mind, diabetes is a lifelong disease. When you are unable to reverse the pre-diabetic stage, you will find yourself battling with a bigger monster. Love yourself more, and this book will help and guide you on how you can exactly do this. With the right action plan in hand, you will be able to take charge of your life!

BOOK #2: 

Sugar Detox: The Ultimate Beginner's Diet Guide Recipes Solution To Sugar Detox Your Body ' Quickly Beat the Sugar Cravings Addiction Naturally

Finally, beat the sugar cravings addiction naturally. This book contains proven steps and strategies on how you can successfully overcome your sugar addiction. This Sugar Detox guide will help you discover how you can still eat delicious meals and become healthier. Moreover, you'll learn the advantages of kicking junk, sugary, and processed foods out of your life. Likewise, will also explain and reveal how to deal with the symptoms of sugar detox. Lastly, this book will also provide you with delicious meal plans, an action plan, and Sugar Detox-friendly recipes to help you get started right away!

EAN: 9781774350249
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Publishing HMW
Jennifer Louissa
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