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Intentional Thinking - Allen James
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Intentional Thinking - Allen James

  • 4 Books in 1 - Get Out of Your Head, Maximizing Your Productivity, I Am a Minimalist, Indistractable
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Do you get caught up in your own thoughts?

Do you find yourself stuck going through the same negative thought patterns, over and over again? Has it ever felt like you can't get ahead, that you can't get a hold of that greater clarity and focus that other people seem to find with ease?

If so, you are not alone - but you don't have to live like that forever!

If you're ready to defeat your negative thinking, then keep reading!

We all have thoughts in our heads, floating around and changing up how we get through our daily lives.

In this world, there is so much going on in the day-to-day: being able to focus is a skill that every person needs. It's the sort of skill that will help you achieve your goals, and look past the 'clutter' in your life - be it in your mind, or in your spaces. If you want to be able to boost your skills, you'll need to ensure that your ability to stay on task without distraction will be as powerful as possible. Focus and the attention span of people are at an all-time low-it can seem like there's just too much going on to really hone in and focus on what it is you need to focus on in the first place.


As you read through this four-book bundle, you will discover everything that you will need to know about why focus matters, what challenges it, and the methods and thought processes you can employ to truly tackle it on your day to day life.

If you are ready to take control of your own ability to focus once and for all, then this is the bundle to read. If you're feeling overwhelmed by the workload in your life, this is the bundle to read. If you're looking for ways to better manage time and energy without compromising the productivity, this is the bundle to read. If you want to simply and learn how to focus your attentions on the things that really matter - then this is the bundle you need!

EAN: 9781087912486
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