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How to Make Money in High School and College - Harrison Clement
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How to Make Money in High School and College - Harrison Clement

  • Best Money Making Methods as a Teen and Student, Building Your Own Apps, Selling E-books, and More Easy Side Job Ideas
89,65 zł
/ szt.
Najniższa cena z 30 dni przed obniżką: 93,78 zł / szt.-4%
Cena regularna: 89,68 zł / szt.-0%
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14 dni na łatwy zwrot
Bezpieczne zakupy
Odroczone płatności. Kup teraz, zapłać za 30 dni, jeżeli nie zwrócisz

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The guaranteed method for avoiding student debt.


Today, the average student loan stands at around $32,000, and research shows that it takes about 21 years for a college graduate to pay off their loan.


How can a young adult start off their career on the right foot when they already owe tens of thousands of dollars?


Then every month for the next 21 years, having to set aside hundreds of dollars for debt payment, while also having to pay for rent, food, and transportation?


This is a situation millions of Americans are facing today. Carrying this debt has hindered their ability to save for retirement, or to buy their own home.


If you don't want to be part of this statistic, the best way would be to avoid student debt in the first place, or at least lessen the amount of debt you need to take on.


Aside from scholarships and grants, you can take an active role in ensuring that you won't have to carry the burden of debt for a large part of your working life.


By finding ways to make money on the side while you're still young, you can build up a fund to be used to pay for tuition, school expenses, or a big purchase, like a new laptop.


No need to ask for money from mom or dad.


In How to Make Money in High School and College, you will discover:


●     How you can earn passive income while still attending school

●     30 diverse money-making ideas that you can start right away

●     The unglamorous jobs that can actually make you hundreds of dollars in tips

●     How to make $1,000 extra cash over a weekend with this fun scavenging racket

●     The #1 thing you need to avoid getting screwed over by a client

●     How to use your side hustle as a jump-off point to a lucrative career

●     Why some jobs are worth taking on, even if the pay may seem not so enticing


And much more....


With the variety of options available for you to choose from, you don't have to worry about not having the skills or time for a side hustle. There are plenty of jobs you can do in your spare time that don't require you to be an expert coder.


And you also don't have to limit yourself to just one side hustle.


The big advantage of being young is having loads of energy to spare. Why not channel that energy to something that will bring you financial rewards?


Whether college is still years away, or you're already in college and in debt, earning some extra cash today will give you a head-start on preparing for your future.


If you want to start securing your future by earning serious money today, even while you're still in school, then Click "Add To Cart" right now.

EAN: 9781838082956
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Harrison Clement
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Witam, zamówienie dotarło szybko. Byla to już któraś z kolei gra planszowa, która zakupiłem w sklepie. Byłem informowany o każdym kolejnym kroki w moim zamówieniu. Muszę się niestety doczepić o pakowanie produktów. Gry planszowe należy traktować z szacunkiem
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