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Tyrant - Brian Godawa
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Tyrant - Brian Godawa

  • Rise of the Beast
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The Origin Story of the Book of Revelation

What in the world was going on when John had his visions of apocalypse?


Ancient Rome, A.D. 64. Alexander, a Jewish doctor loyal to Rome, has his life turned upside down when the evil emperor Nero Caesar launches a horrific persecution of Christians.


When Nero discovers that an apostle has written a secret apocalypse about the end of the world, he orders a Roman warrior to hunt down the scroll, destroy it, and kill the author.


But a bold Christian woman named Cassandra holds a dark secret that opens the door to a world of spiritual warfare they're not ready to face.


It will lead them to the holy city of Jerusalem and to the true meaning of the apocalypse.


It will change their world forever. And yours.


Tyrant: Rise of the Beast is Book 1 in the shocking controversial series Chronicles of the Apocalypse. It's an edge-of-your-seat action-packed supernatural epic, written by Brian Godawa, respected Christian and best-selling Biblical author.


Spiritual Warfare, Angels and Demons

The human story is not the only one in the book of Revelation or in this series. Chronicles of the Apocalypse shows the evil plans of Satan and his fallen angels the Watchers masquerading as gods of the nations at war. This gang of demons is not going down easily.


EXTRA BONUS: Historical and Biblical Facts Behind the Fiction

The novel is over 300 pages with an additional 100 pages of endnotes. You'll get extensive research with each chapter that proves the historical fulfillment of the book of Revelation depicted in this novel. The story draws from ancient Roman, Christian and Jewish sources for the events surrounding the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple in the first century.

EAN: 9781942858256
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Brian Godawa
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