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How to Talk to Anyone - David Palting

How to Talk to Anyone - David Palting

  • Effective Communication Skills in Business and Relationships that Makes Money and Helps to Achieve Your Goals. Learn How To Manage Social Anxiety and Improve Self Confidence
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How To Talk To Anyone will teach you conversation tricks and nonverbal tips that use both your communication and people skills to lead to amazing conversation and memorable first impressions.

Do people leave after a few minutes of your talk, and you don't know why?

Do you feel shy to go to talking group of people and start a discussion?

Are you afraid of looking stupid and annoying?

Are you tired of people and talks?

So, now is the right time to go deeper into the communication topic. How can you make your communication special? Do you want the people to remember you? If yes, then this book is for you. You will learn the following useful things from it: 

  • What communication problems you can face to and how to avoid them
  • How to lead the discussion
  • How to be ready for any critical communication
  • What the most important things for effective communication are
  • Do magic rules for effective communication exist?
  • The ways to become familiar with anyone
  • How to meet the person you need and where?
  • The ways to get benefit from any event
  • Why going out alone is the best strategy?
  • How to radiate energy for communication?
  • The way to develop your communication skills

Learn things to be done and things to be avoided from this book. Your connections are your social capital. After reading this book, you will be able to build and keep them. You will also know the techniques for how to increase your self-confidence and become attractive to others. You will get rid of your fear of communicating with anyone. Follow the rules described, and you will see the results immediately!

EAN: 9781954605152
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Oprawa Skórzana

David Palting
Potrzebujesz pomocy? Masz pytania?Zadaj pytanie a my odpowiemy niezwłocznie, najciekawsze pytania i odpowiedzi publikując dla innych.
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