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Self Help Books - Brian Michael Good

Self Help Books - Brian Michael Good

  • Quotes Of Wisdom To Live By: Quotes from a Genius, Autistic, Empath, and Savant
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'There is no better gift to yourself or another person than the gift of knowledge and understanding derived from wisdom.' - Brian Michael Good

Recharge your life with over 400 quotes organized in seventy chapters that deal with self-esteem, self-worth, abuse, feelings, emotions, challenges, hardships, and obstacles. 'Quotes Of Wisdom To Live By' can reduce depression, anxiety, stress, and frustration with positive thinking: the author provides the reader encouragement, comfort, peace, and spiritual guidance by finding the right words of wisdom at the right time. As you absorb each quote, you will realize that no one can defeat you; you can only defeat yourself.

Learn how to rise from the ashes of defeat by gaining pearls of wisdom and renewed hope with positive affirmations. Life's most valuable pearls of wisdom that are nourishment for the body, mind, and soul are found in quotation books. You must have the right perspective to achieve a positive mindset before you can be successful. An inspirational book of quotes can help change your attitude; allowing you to infuse new activities into your life.

Reap the manna sown into this motivational book. You will gain pearls of wisdom and have a lifetime of meals.

You are not alone or forgotten. Your life will improve. Peace and happiness are renewed for those who seek it. I believe that you too will find wisdom in the pearls that have washed ashore as a result of my hurricanes and count yourself a survivor.

Take action, get this inspirational book, you will be so happy you did!

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EAN: 9780997028416
Kod produktu
Brian Michael Good
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