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Survival of Death - Paul Beard
AutorzyPaul Beard

Survival of Death - Paul Beard

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As a long-standing member of the Society for Psychical Research and President of the College for Psychic Studies, Paul Beard was an authority on psychical research and in particular the study of life after death. He wrote numerous books on the subject including his trilogy, Survival Of Death, Living On: How Consciousness Continues and Evolves After Death, and Hidden Man, followed by Inner Eye, Listening Ear: An Exploration into Mediumship. During his lifetime study the author followed the evidence wherever it took him; 'sitting' with many mediums he gained their confidence and meticulously recorded what he discovered. The result is a comprehensive account of our most important questions; Why are we here? Do we have a karmic footprint? What happens after we physically die? As a result of his studies Beard was enthusiastic about his impending death. In 1986, three years before his passing he wrote: "Whatever is learned on earth, or we think has been learned, the path still winds forward, the quest goes on. The horizons extend, not diminish." "Quite outstanding... no reader can fail to be convinced of the author's complete integrity and fairness, or of his ability and insight". ~ Rev. Leslie D. Weatherhead A valuable contribution towards... improved understanding and collaboration. Dr Ian Stevenson, author of Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation "Acclaimed by some psychical researchers as one of the best works of its kind for general readership". ~ Parapsychology Foundation Newsletter

EAN: 9781910121948
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