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Re-Membering Anzaldua
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Re-Membering Anzaldua

  • Human Rights, Borderlands, and the Poetics of Applied Social Theory--Engaging with Gloria Anzaldua in Self and Global Transformations (Proceedings of the Third Annual Social Theory Forum, April 5-6, 2006, UMass Boston)
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his Summer 2006 (IV, Special) issue of Human Architecture: Journal of the Sociology of Self-Knowledge includes the proceedings of the Third Annual Meeting of the Social Theory Forum (STF), held on April 5-6, 2006, at UMass Boston on: "Human Rights, Borderlands, and the Poetics of Applied Social Theory: Engaging with Gloria Anzaldua in Self and Global Transformations." Walking along and crossing the borderlands of academic disciplines, contributors engaged with Anzaldua's gripping and creative talent in bridging the boundaries of academia and everyday life, self and global/world-historical reflexivity, sociology and psychology, social science and the arts and the humanities, spirituality and secularism, private and public, consciousness and the subconscious, theory and practice, knowledge, feeling, and the sensual in favor of humanizing self and global outcomes. Central in this dialogue was the exploration of human rights in personal and institutional terrains and their intersections with human borderlands, seeking creative and applied theoretical and curricular innovations to advance human rights pedagogy and practice. Keynote contributions by: Winston Langley, AnaLouise Keating, Gloria González-Lopéz, Lilia I. Bartolomé, and Cynthia Enloe. Contributors include: Sarah Taylor Crockett, Amanda Bock, Caroline Hardy-Fanta, Amanda Witbeck, Tereza Kynclová, Paola Zaccaria, Panayota Gounari, Glenn Jacobs, Jorge Capetillo-Ponce, Haroldo Fontaine, Ruth Nicole Brown, Estelle Disch, Pamela Irving Jackson, Roderick Parkes, Kavitha Koshy, Steve Martinot, Linda Dittmar, Miguel Malagreca, Kevin Allred, Gabriela Sandoval, Sharon Kim, Michelle Corbin, Karen M. Gagne, Rajini Srikanth, Elora Halim Chowdhury, C. Heike Schotten, Daniella Boucher, Chris Bobel, Tim Sieber, Karen L. Suyemoto, Shirley Tang, Anna Torke, Joaquin Alejandro Newman, and Mohammad H. Tamdgidi (also as journal editor-in-chief). Human Architecture: Journal of the Sociology of Self-Knowledge is a publication of OKCIR: The Omar Khayyam Center for Integrative Research in Utopia, Mysticism, and Science (Utopystics). For more information about OKCIR and other issues in its journal's Edited Collection as well as Monograph and Translation series visit OKCIR's homepage.

EAN: 9781888024234
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Tamdgidi Mohammad H.
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