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Jose Mourinho's Real Madrid - A Tactical Analysis - Terzis Athanasios
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Jose Mourinho's Real Madrid - A Tactical Analysis - Terzis Athanasios

  • Attacking
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Jose Mourinho's Real Madrid: A Tactical Analysis - Attacking A Chance for You to Learn Mourinho's 4-2-3-1 System of Play, Tactics, Each Player's Responsibilities, Positioning & Movement With Every Possible Phase of Play The long awaited study of Jose Mourinho's tactics is finally here with an extensive analysis of his Real Madrid team's 4-2-3-1 formation. You can now see a full analysis of Real Madrid's attacking and defending tactics which have been so important to their success. They scored 121 goals in La Liga and this book shows Real's 4-2-3-1 system of play, each player's responsibilities, positioning and movement within every possible phase of play. The attacking phase was key for Real Madrid and the main features were creating width, maintaining superiority in numbers around the ball zone, long diagonal passes, in/out swinging crosses from the flank and Ronaldo's efficiency in front of goal. Terzis Athanasios is a Tactical Professor of Football and has compiled an extensive assessment of Real Madrid's defensive play after over 1000 hours of studying all the games from the 2011-12 season. Real Madrid won the La Liga title, beating Pep Guardiola's Barcelona team, one of the most successful club sides in history, by 9 points. This attacking book starts with the characteristics of the players and builds into a comprehensive overview of the attacking tactics employed with clear diagrams and detailed descriptions. This gives you a unique opportunity to use the same 4-2-3-1 pattern of plays that Jose Mourinho's used for his winning Real Madrid team.. Integrate them into your sessions Now! This Attacking book includes: Pages: 286 Diagrams: 382 Coaching Topics: 131 Printed: B/W Don't miss this unbelievable chance for you to learn Jose Mourinho's 4-2-3-1, how the team play and adapt their tactics to all conceivable situations. Their attacking and defensive play is key to their great success and the blueprint is available right here for you to learn and apply the same tactics for your team.

EAN: 9780956675279
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Terzis Athanasios
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