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The Power of Nutrition with Enzymes - Santillo ND Humbart "Smokey"

The Power of Nutrition with Enzymes - Santillo ND Humbart "Smokey"

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In "The Power of Nutrition with Enzymes," Dr. Smokey Santillo explains everything from the functions of enzymes to their myriad benefits for optimal health and longevity. This is the most accurate, comprehensive guide available for the layperson and an excellent, practical guide for professionals. As one of the world's leading authorities on food enzymes, Dr. Santillo is uniquely qualified to write and teach about this highly important topic. In working with more than 30,000 patients as a naturopathic physician, he has witnessed first-hand the benefits of food enzymes, and the many maladies that occur in their absence. Dr. Santillo has scoured the literature to bring you the important, useful information: how to preserve your body's natural enzyme stores, how to get enzymes from the right foods, and how you'll benefit from adding them to your diet. We've all heard about vitamins and minerals, even phytochemicals--but we don't hear about enzymes much in the media. Dr. Santillo highlights the critical importance of these natural keys to unlocking energy and vitality for all people in modern society. Enzymes are a part of all metabolic processes, from the working of our cells, tissues, and organs to the functioning of our digestive system, endocrine system, immune system, and every other system. Even minerals, vitamins, hormones, and neurotransmitters need enzymes to be present in order to do their own work properly. Enzymes are the true labor force of the body. If you're interested in longevity, vitality, superior health, losing weight, or overcoming sickness-or if you feel that after taking vitamins and minerals for years, you haven't really benefited as much as you'd like to--this book is for you. The human machine has an innumerable amount of enzymes, and we will be hearing more and more about them. As we grow more health-conscious, we will certainly strive for a greater enjoyment of life. More energy and a stronger mind and body are needed to face the stresses the future will bring. Enzymes can be instrumental in achieving these goals. You'll be amazed by what these little creations of nature can do! The Power of Nutrition with Enzymes will help you: --Learn how to increase the absorption of all nutrients, supplements, and foods using enzymes --Use enzymes to combat obesity, hormonal imbalances, all infections and allergies --Use enzymes for sports injuries, strengthening your immunity, and increasing endurance --Learn how to overcome anxiety and depression by using enzymes Table of Contents Foreword Introduction: The Power of Nutrition with Enzymes Enzyme Basics: What, Where, When, and How Enzymes and Digestion Predigestion and Predigested Foods Interacting Systems in Body and Mind Aging and Longevity Inflammation, Disease, and Allergy Who Needs Enzymes Juicing and Juice Plus+(R) About the Author References Index

EAN: 9780964195288
Kod produktu
Santillo ND Humbart "Smokey"
Rok wydania
Vartabedian DrPH Roy E.
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