The League of the Scarlet Pimpernel (Aziloth Books) - Emma Orczy Baroness
'Baroness Emma Orczy wrote 'The Scarlet Pimpernel' as a stage play in 1903, and its great success in the theatre prompted a series of books based on the adventures of its hero, Sir Percy Blakeney, whose outward appearance of hare-brained aristocratic fop masks a man of cool, sometimes reckless courage intent on rescuing as many innocents as he can from the blood-lust of the Parisian mob and the cold 'kiss' of Madame Guillotine. In 'The League of the Scarlet Pimpernel', Orczy relates the many and varied ways that Sir Percy, with his intrepid band of followers, pits his wits against the French Revolution's ruthless spymaster, Citizen Chauvelin. Told from a variety of perspectives, the stories build cleverly, each adding an important link in a narrative chain full of heroic escapes and incredible illusions. A must-read for all fans of the Scarlet Pimpernel.
EAN: 9781909735712