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Detective Gryce, N. Y. P. D. - Anna Katharine Green
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Detective Gryce, N. Y. P. D. - Anna Katharine Green

  • Volume: 6-Behind Closed Doors and a Matter of Millions
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The significance of author Anna Katherine Green (1846-1935) upon American detective fiction cannot be underestimated. Not only was she among the first writers of the detective story in the United States but in her career she penned over 40 novels and short stories in the genre. She turned her literary attention from writing poetry to crime mysteries and published 'The Leavenworth Case' to great acclaim in 1878. Indeed this debut work is still regarded as an enduring classic. Furthermore, while most of us are familiar with the detectives of the New York Police Department as they have appeared in books, films and on television for decades, it was Green who was among the first to focus on the detectives of the NYPD as principal characters and, through her Detective Ebenezer Gryce offer him and the force to the public in series form. In the grand tradition of the sleuth Gryce has a number of 'sidekicks' including the nosey socialite, Amelia Butterworth-an embryonic Miss Marple. Green also wrote about another now familiar character type, the 'girl detective' in the form of debutante Violet Strange. These tales of the NYPD are set against the colourful world of the city of New York in the last two decades of the 19th century and this provides both the crimes and the characters that occupy these mysteries with an irresistible and unusual old world charm. This special Leonaur edition of the Detective Gryce casebooks comprises six substantial volumes and includes both novels and short stories featuring the famous criminal hunter. This final substantial volume includes the 'Behind Closed Doors' and 'A Matter of Millions.' We believe this six volume collection is the most complete collection of Gryce stories ever gathered together and is therefore an essential addition to the library of any collector of classic American crime fiction.
Leonaur editions are newly typeset and are not facsimiles; each title is available in softcover and hardback with dustjacket.

EAN: 9780857067784
Kod produktu
Anna Katharine Green
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