The Kundalini Reiki Manual - Lisa Okochi
- A Guide for Kundalini Reiki Attuners and Clients
Have you been feeling increasingly 'off balanced' ,lost or confused as to what you are looking for or really want in this life? Have you been aware of this sense of urgency in the air ' to DO' something but feel stuck? Kundalini Reiki can ground you again to focus on balancing your Inner Wisdom to your Life's Purpose
Kundalini Reiki is NOT the same as Tradiontanl Usui Reiki but is more purer and Powerful'
This is a guide for Attuners and Clients to prepare for attunements to Higher Frequencies .
Awaken your Kundalini, quickly and safely
Open your Third Eye and Heart
Attune Family, pets, plants, food, water and more
Powerful mini meditations to help heal stress, fear, anger, anxiety
Adjust your energy to Higher Frequencies
Attunement steps for Gold and Ethereal Crystal Reiki
Use Ethereal crystals to clear chakra blockages ; make Gem elixirs
* Note: ONLY Kundalini Reiki Healers can Attune.
EAN: 9781491777442