On Kitten Creek - Nancy Swihart
- Searching for the Sacred: A Memoir
Enter the adventure of unwrapping gifts from the God who loves to inhabit our space: the gift of community, the gift of sorrows and celebrations; the gift of land and buildings; even the gifts of the animals that fill our lives.
When the Swihart family left a thriving ministry in Southern California and moved to rural Kansas, they sought a place to live sacramentally and in community. Nancy dreamed of a L'Abri-style center in rural Kansas. As God-given dreams often do, this one took a different form than first envisioned. Read how God used individuals and families with their unique gifts, the land with its resources and features, even the farm animals to shape a far-reaching experience of what Francis Schaeffer called 'The God Who Is There'—on a rustic, old farm along Kitten Creek.
In this book you will find:
- Encouragement to look in everyday life for the sacred that is always there.
- An example of an authentic, loving, effective community of believers.
- Insights into how God’s creatures, the animals, can enrich our lives.
EAN: 9781945099021