The Gilded Harvest - Richard Myerscough I
Repeated global crop failures caused man's ideals to fade. In less than a decade, his gilded prize switched from monetary to human flesh.
After the ice from a mini global freeze melted, people began to emerge from their underground complexes. Unprepared for the harsh surface life, the naive were butchered while the shrewd adapted. Reduced to using crude black powder, rival clans hunted each other for meat.
Sarah was brutally hobbled after her family was butchered. Her foreign beliefs made her baulk the laws governing her capturers. Curious about the fate of the rest of her clan, she joins some of her capturers in a bloody quest to save their own clan.
Amidst the battling hordes of cannibals and cunning opportunists, nobody was safe. As the species fed upon one another, man's future was in jeopardy.
EAN: 9781775171300