The Light GAP - Terry Larkin
- God's Amazing Presence: Our Journey to Understand LIFE Through LIGHT and Near-Death
The Light GAP is the story of Terry and Marj becoming aware of the amazing LIGHT within us. God is waiting for us to wake up! Tragedy struck the lives of sisters. Terry died in a car accident. The machine said so, but there was more life to live. It was an NDE. Marj’s 19-year old daughter met with death in London. She lives on in another realm. Journey with these sisters as their Light GAPs are revealed. Terry and Marj’s intertwined stories include both tragedy and the miraculous. Understanding death allowed them both to LIVE life and took away the FEAR of God.
A Light Gap is potential life. Seeds sprout as sun reaches them. Tragedy is full of possibility, just like a Light Gap. New beginnings are waiting to emerge. Find through their discoveries the power held within to experience heaven now! God’s Amazing Presence is here for all!
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EAN: 9781504366533