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Plant Your Garden In A Keyhole - Leon Smith W.

Plant Your Garden In A Keyhole - Leon Smith W.

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Want to get off the grid and provide healthy, safe food for your family? Please consider your own backyard keyhole garden farm, suggests the author. W. Leon Smith is an experienced keyhole gardener, having spent several years experimenting with crop varieties and helping others create their own backyard keyhole farms. He regularly gives presentations to Master Gardener functions where he explains his adventures into this worthwhile concept of the perfect gardening system. His interest in keyhole gardens led to the creation of his small company, www.keyholefarm.com, that manufactures easy-to-build keyhole garden kits. He feels it is crucial for families to explore the idea of raising their own vegetables, what with the influx of GMOs (genetically modified organisms), the secret and abundant use of pesticides on food, and grocery shelves where vegetables have quite often been harvested too early, thereby reducing nutrition and taste. 'Why not raise your own quality food in a keyhole raised-bed garden?' Smith says. This book explains the concept and provides useful tips. 'Keyhole gardens conserve water,' said Smith. 'They are easier on the back than traditional gardens. They promote recycling. They allow crops to be planted closer together, and the harvests are remarkable in such a small compact area. 'Keyhole gardens also offer a splendid opportunity to teach youngsters the time-honored skills of raising their own crops, important survival methods that will stay with them all their lives.'

EAN: 9780996900614
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Leon Smith W.
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