Praying with Saint Paul - Viola Yassa
We all can admit that at one point or another, we have struggled with prayer. In the Bible, there are many people who struggled and succeeded in prayer, but none like Saint Paul. A man known for his incredible and complete life and faith revolution has lots to say and teach about prayer and how it can be used as the ultimate weapon in our spiritual life and battles.
There are many ways of praying, and St Paul seems to have experienced and to have referred to the full range. Throughout the journey of this book, you will discover the diiferent ways St Paul prayed and how you can practice it in your everyday life. Each chapter, you will explore a model of prayer, demonstrated through St Paul, his life and teachings. So, are you ready to go on the journey with St Paul to learn and transform your prayers?
Behind St Paul’s boundless energy as apostle, missionary, pastor and theologian as well as tentmaker, must have been an extraordinary prayer life. For St Paul, the line between his everyday life and his prayer life is very thin or non-existent. St Paul models for us the integration of prayer into our everyday life.
This book provides an easy to follow guide that will transform your prayer life, providing practical advice from the St. Paul’s inspirational, miraculous and sometimes dangerous journeys. St Paul’s prayer models have greatly enriched the prayer life of the Church and we pray it will enrich yours.
EAN: 9780994571076