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Ketogenic Homemade Ice cream - Jane Elizabeth

Ketogenic Homemade Ice cream - Jane Elizabeth

  • 20 Low-Carb, High-Fat, Guilt-Free Recipes
65,62 zł
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Are you enjoying the fat-burning benefits of following a low carb diet but missing having a scoop or two of your favorite ice cream as one of your keto snacks or desserts? If you would like to easily whip up a soft, creamy and carb free version of your favorite ice cream or tease your taste buds with an amazing range of low carb flavors, this book is for you!

This book will leave you amazed at how easy it is to make delicious homemade low carb ice cream, with or without an ice cream maker! No more trips to a specific store to try to hunt down a tub of expensive, ketogenic, frozen dessert that will not taste as good!

Let bestselling keto chef, Elizabeth Jane, show you how to create delicious, soft, sugar-free ice cream that all of your family and friends will love!

  • A great range of flavors - 25 delicious ice cream recipes divided into three categories to cater for every taste bud: chocolate, refreshing fruits and assorted flavors
  • Your favorite recipe included – everything from Choco-Chip Ice Cream with Vanilla Bean and Essential Strawberry Ice Cream to more exotic flavors like Sweet and Sour Ice Cream and Pumpkin Spiced Latte Ice Cream
  • Nutritional information for every recipe – stay keto!  Include net carbs (and everything else!) per serving so you stay keto
  • No ice cream maker? No Problem! – These fat-burning recipes can easily be made ‘no churn’
  • No chemicals or nasty, artificial bits – all of these low sugar desserts are made using fresh and natural ingredients, including the two safest and most natural sweeteners, stevia and erythritol
  • Paleo-friendly substitutes included – On a paleo diet? Pure grade B maple syrup and raw honey are suggested where possible
  • Gluten and Dairy free recipes and substitutes – with clear symbols indicating gluten free recipes and dairy free substitutes.
  • Only easy to find ingredients – no need to spend hours search for one ingredient, all available in your local supermarket or easy to source online
  • Recipe directions are clear and easy to follow – even beginners can whip up their favorite frozen snack with easy steps beautiful photos of the end result
  • Tried and tested recipes – no more wasted time, effort and money on recipes online that leave you with solid, inedible frozen desserts!

The Low Carb Homemade Ice Cream recipe book will be your passport to delicious, soft and low carb homemade ice cream that will transport you to memories of sunny days on the beach.

Buy Low Carb Homemade Ice Cream today and introduce a delicious missing piece to your low carb diet guilt-free!
















EAN: 9780995534513
Kod produktu
Jane Elizabeth
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