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The Temptation of Destiny - Earley D.M.

The Temptation of Destiny - Earley D.M.

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Since the beginning of Mankind, we have yearned to see the future, to alter events for our benefit, but.... Once seen, is it a blessing or curse?

WINNER: Pinnacle Book Achievement Award - Best Literary Fiction

“Suspenseful, intriguing and powerfully tense, this is a dark fantasy work like no other. Fans of many different genres, including crime, horror, and mystery will all find something they can enjoy in the pages of author D. M. Earley’s psychologically chilling vision of how the future can affect the present. The characters are well developed, and Jake in particular presents as an everyman whom most people could aspire to or relate to for his peaceful little life. His journey is harrowing, with highly atmospheric and torturous moments of narrative as his psyche is invaded by what he sees and what he thinks he knows about his own destiny. The graphic content is shocking but appropriate to the dark nature of the plot. Overall, The Temptation of Destiny is a masterclass in tension and supposition.” ~ Readers’ Favorite Book Reviews

Jake has the perfect life—a successful marriage, three great children, and a plan set in place for his future. Yet with one tragic twist of fate, all he has achieved is threatened. A glimpse into a bleak existence forces him to make decisions, and sends him on a journey that will forever alter the lives of those in his path.

Dakota, a recent graduate from law school, is eager to start her life in Wind River, a magical place to her since childhood. Legends of strong warriors and beautiful maidens, in a majestic land steeped in lore, have always captured her imagination. This is her piece of heaven on earth.

The Spirits dance across the night sky as the most vile, violent, and darkest of humanity's secrets invade Wind River. Prophetic visions warn of a great battle, and the dead tell tales as the past and future collide.

As the struggle between the Spirit and Mortal worlds tear at the fibers of humanity, everyone has a decision to make. Is it time to tempt Destiny? Can its path be altered?

EVOLVED PUBLISHING PRESENTS the first book in a compelling story series against the backdrop of Wyoming American Indian country. Fans of literary fiction, speculative fiction, and all writing related to American Indian culture are sure to love it.

Books by D.M. Earley:

  • Call of Destiny - Book 1: 'The Temptation of Destiny'
  • Call of Destiny - Book 2: 'The Pyres of Destiny' (Coming 2020)

More Great Fiction from Evolved Publishing:

  • The 'Shining Light's Saga' Series by Ruby Standing Deer
  • 'The Augur's View' by Victoria Lehrer
  • The 'Chosen' Series by Jeff Altabef and Erynn Altabef
  • 'Memoirs of a Transferable Soul' by W. Town Andrews
  • 'The Daughter of the Sea and the Sky' by David Litwack


EAN: 9781622531356
Kod produktu
Earley D.M.
Rok wydania
Diamond Lane
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