Meditation Case Studies - William Bodri
- Concise Explanations of Phenomena Encountered on the Spiritual Path
Ordinary people often experience unusual mind-body phenomena due to meditation practice such as hearing voices, seeing visions, dreaming colorful scenarios, and feeling inexplicable energy sensations or strange movements inside their body. This book explains all the various different types of experiences that can happen to meditation practitioners. It offers both scientific and transcendental explanations so that people can easily understand what they are experiencing due to their efforts.
For instance, covered are explanations for unexpected sensations of warmth or coolness within your body (and thirty-four other types of physical sensations), unusual internal vibrations, changes in respiration, skin problems, emotional outbursts, the hearing of voices and seeing of visions, hearing music within your head, sexual fantasies and psychic abilities. An emphasis is placed on why feelings of internal energy arise within you, and how they appear in various forms due to prolonged yoga, meditation and other spiritual practices.
Included is also an excellent primer on how to practice basic witnessing meditation correctly, also known as vipassana. Additionally there are lessons on how to use wisdom analysis and other modern techniques to dissolve stubborn mental a ictions that bother you, and how to change long-standing habit energies. Over thirty types of quieting ”emptiness meditation” practices are described along with powerful auxiliary methods you can use to help eliminate nagging psychological issues.
In addition to a dozen case studies of meditators who experienced curious phenomena due to their practice, many additional visionary and auditory experiences, both real and delusory, are described that commonly occur to ardent practitioners in many religious paths, including Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Sufi and Buddhist saints. This valuable information can guide you through many normally inexplicable meditation and spiritual experiences regardless of your tradition.
EAN: 9780998076454