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Just Another Sleeping Beauty - Susan Kohler
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Just Another Sleeping Beauty - Susan Kohler

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When a young woman, Cynthia Wright Snowden, is overcome by the struggles and upheavals in her life she is distracted enough to be careless. She steps off a curb in front of a bus. Or was she pushed? As she lays in a coma in her hospital bed, she finds her spirit alone with a handsome stranger, Robbie McDougal, talking to him without actual words.
He tells her he is a Highlander from the 16th century, and was put into what he calls the land of shadows and dreams by a witch. He has to find love to break the spell. She tells him she was hit by a bus and shows him some of the modern world.
He can see through her eyes, and she through his. They explore her dreams, which are based on childhood fairy tales: Cinderella, because of her evil stepmother and two stepsisters; and Snow White with seven younger brothers.
He tells her about other women he's met in the land of shadows and how they all died. He's hoping that this time he will find a love that does not die.

About the Author:
Susan Kohler lives with two great friends in Toledo, Ohio. She has her two dogs, her Boston Terrier, Oreo, and her rescued dog, Sable. The couple she lives with also rescue dogs, so at any time there is a pack of dogs around her. She's retired, and writes in her spare time. This is her ninth published book, and she's had one of her previous books translated into Spanish.
Just Another Sleeping Beauty is a romantic version of two fairy tales, with a bit of time travel added in just for fun. She has also written four romance novels. The first, The Heart of The Beast, is a dark historical romance based on a fairy tale, but the other three, Working Romance, Who's Taming Who? and Dreaming of Tomorrow are contemporary. Her book Beautiful in the Lord's Eyes is a Christian novel.

EAN: 9781771433648
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Bardzo szybko i dobrze zapakowane, nie mam się do czego przyczepić :)
Super obsługa, przesyłka ekspresowa. Jestem mega zadowolona ❤️