The Fruitful Prayer Life - McClinton Porter E.
Prayer is fundamental to the life of faith. At the heart of prayer is intimate fellowship with God. Yet many seem to view prayer as just another religious activity to engage in, not really knowing whether God will answer or not.
In this book, Pastor McClinton E. Porter provides many thought-provoking insights and practices that will create a desire in you to develop a lifestyle of consistent communion and fellowship with God. The contents are presented in a conversational tone and practical manner that makes prayer “doable” and perceives God as approachable, not austere and condemning.
Some of the topics addressed in this volume are:
• Prayer and Faith
• The Covenant Names of God in Prayer
• Prayer and Worship
• Prayer in the Spirit
Use this book for yourself and then with a small group, encouraging others to find this place of prayer. One of the disciples who observed Jesus’ prayer life asked Him, “Lord, teach us to pray…” With God’s help, Rev. Porter is doing just that and you can continue to do likewise for others. The anticipated result is a “Fruitful Prayer Life.”
EAN: 9781641510790