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Lock Picking Basics - Mark McCloud

Lock Picking Basics - Mark McCloud

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This book makes learning the art of lock picking fun and easy. You don't have to waste your time guessing how it's done, reading some amateur's theories, or trying to learn from the movies (they always get it wrong). Now, you can get accurate information that the professionals use. Their secrets have finally been revealed. Now you can understand the technology that has kept thieves at bay for centuries. Even in the time of antiquity, within the halls of the great pyramids, tomb raiders found their untold riches behind surprisingly sophisticated locks. Today's locks inherit these same principle designs. We give you the keys to their secrets. Most common locks you encounter everyday could be defeated with the knowledge contained in this book. If you are a beginner and want an easy but powerful introduction to the art of lock picking, this book is perfect for you. All the steps you need are clearly illustrated and completely described. The written word alone can only do so much to depict the intricate movements inside the various locks; however the extensive use of visual aids makes the learning process quick and painless. From the tools that you will work with to the locks you will pick, every item is depicted in a clear illustration. Within the pages of this book you will discover chapters on warded locks, pin tumblers, wafer tumblers, and more. This is a great beginning guide to lock picking. Even if you already know how to pick some locks, this book covers tips & techniques that you can use. In order to successfully pick locks you must combine several skills into the art of lock picking. Each of those skills can be honed and improved with practice. Here, you will find exercises designed to enhance your lock picking abilities. If your profession demands that you learn lock picking, or you are just a curious amateur, you will find that it's an easy skill to learn with the proper guidance.

EAN: 9780972269131
Kod produktu
Mark McCloud
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