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Haunted Heart - Stewart Laverne

Haunted Heart - Stewart Laverne

  • A Novel
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The gripping new debut novel by Laverne Stewart - Bestselling author of Angels in the Afterllife and Healng After Homicide - The Jackie Clark Story! Sarah Harrison leaves her quiet life in Boston and moves up the East Coast into the stately but rundown, haunted mansion in Fredericton, New Brunswick, that she's inherited. She soon takes an interest in a local contractor - as ancestral ghosts with a tragic love story come to call.


“When I began reading Haunted Heart I knew right away I was going to love it! Laverne Stewart weaves her stories in a way that brings them to life and attaches them to the reader – heart and soul. Knowing the other side as I do, and how persistent Spirit can be, this book highlights an incredible story of love that withstands every mortal test in its path. The main character of Sarah Harrison is especially endearing. After losing her loving father and then a mother who doesn't know how to love, Sarah begins a journey that is more than just inheriting a home from an aged quirky cousin; it’s a journey of understanding that love is timeless, and love that is meant to be will endure all that life can throw at it. Guided by the wisdom and humour of Hannah Sullivan, Irish housekeeper extraordinaire, colourful insightful tours of New Brunswick landmarks and icons, Stewart captures the essence of love through the ages East Coast style; an incredible story of timeless attraction.”Suzanne Riley, Psychic Medium


“Haunted Heart is a book for everyone. It's easy to read and the storyline flows well. It is funny at times but not comical. It is a love story, which will make you smile while you try to foresee what's coming right until the end. There are also a few delightful surprises. All the characters are enjoyable but two favourites are Chaz and Hannah. Chaz is a good friend to Sarah. He is flamboyant, yet very practical and nonsensical. Hannah is entertaining with her no- nonsense dialogue. She believes in spirits and is in cahoots with Sarah's dead ancestor to bring a romance to fruition.”  - Patricia Anne McKay, book reviewer / editor.


About the Author of Haunted Heart:  Laverne Stewart, best-selling author of non-fiction titles Angels and the Afterlife, and Healing After Homicide, has now turned her talented hand to fiction with Haunted Heart, an historical romance novel set in past and present periods in her hometown of Fredericton, New Brunswick. In addition to being a critically acclaimed author, Laverne Stewart is an award-winning career journalist of 30 years. The reporter for major newspapers across the province, is also a former radio news anchor and CTV reporter.


EAN: 9781988058306
Kod produktu
Stewart Laverne
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